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Carol al II-lea - Un cult pentru rege

Limba de redactare română (rezumat în engleză)
Excerpt This article is dedicated to the reign of Carol II, focusing on one of the defining features of the Carlist Decade - the cult of the personality of the king. Using rich and diverse documentary sources, the study attempts to present the causes that generated this tendency, the context in which so easily got in and the instruments of power that supported the royal cult: the Camarilla, Country’s Guard, the Ministry of National Propaganda, the Front of the National Revival, but also the press, literature, radio, cinema or public ceremonial, especially by the "Restoration Celebrations". Also, the main purpose is the following: the legitimation of his regime, first "the restoration" and then the regime of monarchical authority.
Paginaţia 229-240
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Muzeul Naţional; XXXI; anul 2019