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O carte poştală suspectă pe fundalul răscoalelor ţărăneşti de la 1907. Anarhiştii intră în atenţia poliţiei / The adventures of a postcard during the 1907 peasant uprising: The anarchists put under police surveillance

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt Following the ”journeys” of a postcard that was sent from a corner of rural Romania to a known anarchist in Bucharest during the events of 1907, I showed in this paper that the peasant uprising marked the starting point for a long period of keeping anarchists under police surveillance. Though the movement had been brought to the attention of the authorities earlier, it was only from March 1907 that a documented and constant monitoring of its adherents was put in place.
Paginaţia 171-177
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Muzeul Naţional; XXV; anul 2013