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Limba de redactare română (cu rezumat în limba engleză)
Excerpt This article presents, through a series of articles from the Italian press, but also some old documents and photographs, a short historical foray into Nicolae Iorga’s activity in Venice – the lagoon city with which he fell irreparably in love from 1890 when he arrived in Venice for the first time until his death in 1940. This short article is an extract from the doctoral thesis of the undersigned entitled The Romanian House in Venice from Nicolae Iorga to the present (1930-2018), thesis to be published in an extended and complete form. Nicolae Iorga and Venice presents the various actions undertaken in Venice by the illustrious Romanian historian Nicolae Iorga during 50 years of activity (1890-1940): from his appointment as corresponding member of the most important Venetian academic institutions (1911) to his first conferences held at the Ateneo Veneto (1914); from the founding of the Romanian House in Venice (1930) to the inauguration of the Romanian Pavilion at the Giardini della Biennale (1938).
Paginaţia 113 - 137
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Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Muzeul Naţional; XXXIV; anul 2022
Editura Publicat de: Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României
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