Igiena corporală şi igiena vestimentară a societăţii urbane româneşti în secolul al XIX-lea / The 19th century romanian urban society’s body and clothes hygiene
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Limba de redactare | română |
Descriptori |
Excerpt | In late 18th century and early 19th century, the Romanian boyars’clothes were quite rich and profusely stratified. A shirt, a flowing gown called anteriu, a short befurred jacket called fermenea and a djubea – greatcoat with coller and cuffs of precious pelts – composed the impressive regalia of a boyar. Around his waist there was a sash made from a costly cashmere sahwl called caragialar. Besides he had a globular headgear, called ishlic, and a pair of large red shalvars. Heel-less boots of red soft morocco, called meshi, were worn as mere stockings over which a pair of slippers were taken while leaving the sofa or large riding boots for leaving the house on horseback. All the clothes were made of bright coloured silk or fine cloth. Even though so smartly clad a boyar lacked cleanliness. He washed his face and hands only once a day, in the morning. Except for slippers which he left nearby the sofa he seldom took off any of his clothes. Even in the night he slept with his clothes on. Some took a bath now and then. For such a purpose he used the Turkish bath or any other public bath in the town. But most people went to public baths rather for pleasure than for bathing or curing themselves. Beside this, most baths were filthy and badly cared for. Strict regulations were introduced in the second half of the 19th century for all the baths’ owners. The boyars abundantly perspired under their heavy clothes. Consequently they often get bad colds, they coughed, and were vulnerable to bronchitis, to influenza and finally to lung disease. Of same illnesses suffered their wives an daughters who enthusiastically wore French gowns with a large décolleté. In their articles and brochures, many hygienists and physicians gave good advices concerning the most appropriate textures and clothes’ cuts for a healthy attire. The corset was especially their target for their criticism. But few ladies followed their advices. For a fashionable lady it was out of question to give up her corset and her up-to-date gown. It was much more preferable for her to suffer than to be unfashionable. |
Paginaţia | 199-221 |
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