Identitatea şi imaginea muzeului în spaţiul public / The Museum’s identity and image in the public area
Autori |
Limba de redactare | română |
Descriptori |
Excerpt | An image strategy of an institution/ organization must follow some priority rules and guiding lines. The most important rule is to create, consolidate and implement the institution’s identity in the relevant target-group’s mentality. The organizations are preoccupied to develop strategies in order to create an positive and favourable climate, characterized by credibility and trust, to promote a clear and distinctive image in the social medium and interests spheres and also to raise the number of the marketers and to captivate the public’s attention, trust and benevolence. The most important and relevant strategic factors, having a major influence on the image are: the strengths, the weaknesses, the opportunities and the threats of the institution. An efficient social image’s management it is almost impossible without a fair evaluation. There are many methods to evaluate the institution’s image, each of them having its own level to operate and discrimination capacity. It is a very simple way to obtain information regarding an organization’s image – the study of notoriety. From this point of view, “to be” on the information market, means “to be distinguished”, to be perceived. Every institution needs to evaluate itself and to discover and recognize its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A fairly analysis is based on the internal and external reality. To research the own SWOT analysis in order to use it to planning the main activities, an institution must start to examine the current situation. The Romanian National History Museum’s SWOT analysis shows what are the advantages and benefits on one hand, and on the other hand, what are the risks and the weaknesses of the institution. The strengths of the museum are: the mobile and immovable patrimony, the specialized human resources, the annual publications, the national and international cultural events organized in the museum, the participation at the international exhibitions, the awards received. The weaknesses can be found in the infrastructure, the investigation of the interests and cultural community’s needs and in the adverse budget. The social, economic and administrative medium, offer the following opportunities for the museum: the legislation regarding the national cultural heritage, the legislation regarding the cultural institutions, the efficient and functional reorganization of the museum, the opportunity to participate at the auctions regarding the European founds, the promotion in diverse mediums and various directions in order to gain new target – groups of public etc. The threats outside the cultural system by different nature – economic, social – which can affect the achievement of the objectives and goals established, are: the concurrence with the other cultural offers, the concurrence made by different ways of spending the time, the impercipient communication between institutions, the low life level of the community resulting the low interest in the cultural act and final, the risk that the messages cannot rich all the target-groups of public. |
Paginaţia | 467-473 |
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