Fortificaţii medievale ale regiunii dunărene inferioare surprinse în documente cartografice / Medieval fotifications of the lower Danube region as captured in cartographic sources
Autori |
Limba de redactare | română (cu rezumat în limba engleză) |
Descriptori |
Excerpt | The evolution of the military system of Danubian fortifications is represented on many maps, which constitutes an important historiographic source. Even though not all maps contain well documented information, some even being erroneous, on the whole a correct general image can be outlined. The author selected the most accessible maps of the Danubian region or which treat contextually the mentioned area. This study is going to present how fortresses in the Lower Danube region were depicted cartographically, in hope that this method will be useful for specialized historiography. |
Paginaţia | 5-24 |
Descarcă fişierul | |
Titlul volumului de apariție | |
Editura | Publicat de: Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României |
Loc publicare | Bucureşti |