A physical and moral portrait of Balkan Vlachs in historical sources (Ix-XII centuries) / Despre portretul fizic şi moral al vlahilor balcanici în sursele istorice (secolele IX-XII)
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Limba de redactare | engleză |
Descriptori |
Excerpt | Romanians’ physical and moral traits are differently perceived from one observer to another. For Byzantines, „Vlachs“ meant „barbarians“, namely those who didn’t speak, think or live like a Greek. Ever since Vlachs have been first mentioned in historical sources (approx. 850) until the Asanesti rebellion (1185), „the physical and moral portrait of Balkan Vlachs differs with each observer. Latin authors, especially Italians and Dalmatians, depicted them favourably, mainly highlighting their bellicose attributes and their pleasant appearance, sometimes associated to their Roman descent. On the contrary, they are often negatively perceived by their Balkan neighbours. This is not surprising at all: for Byzantines and Southern Slavics, endowed with their own states and cultures, the Vlach is „the other“, a foreigner refusing integration by asserting his own identity and even worse - often trying to establish his own state in an area they claimed“. |
Paginaţia | 3-9 |
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