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Ţările Române şi Veneţia în secolul al XVII-lea - Luca C. / The Romanian Principalities and Venice during the 17 th century

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt Cristian Luca brings throught this volume a contribution to the foreign policy and the external trade of the Romanian Principalities with Venice in the fromework of the evolution of the worldwide and European economy and of the internationales relationships during the 17th century, considering the fact that up connections from that period were not adressed in a synthetic special volume and also that the historiography related to this theme is yet not a numerous one. On this purpose, beside the new uncovered documents and historic sources, the author provides a new and significant insight by the numerous information gathered in the State Archeves of Venice, as well as in the archives of the Venetian political magistrates and of the notabilities who activated in this city.
Paginaţia 351-355
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Muzeul Naţional; XX; anul 2008