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Date noi despre Grigore Bengescu II, în lumina unor scrisori inedite, care l-au fost adresate de către personalităţi ale culturii româneşti şi străine / News dates about Bengescu Grigore II, in the lights of the ineditt letters

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt The present work presents the content of 44 letters received by Grigore Bengescu I I (1824-1881), which has been married to Elena, daughter of great boyard Gheorghe (Iordache) Golescu, from certain cultural and political personalities. From these letters one can draw the important role of Grigore Bengescu II for romanian theater development and support for great actors of the time. They proove that he was appreciated and loved by different cultural and political Romanian personalities as: Grigore Alexandrescu, M. Kogălniceanu, Matei Millo a.s.o. The cooperation with French consul has been based on common preoccupations concerning theater. By supporting French actors, which could bring new new friends for Romanian and their cause: Union of Principates.
Paginaţia 61-68
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Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Muzeul Naţional; XIII; anul 2001