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Gânduri către buni prieteni. Din corespondenţa principesei Ileana a României cu Alice Grunau

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt The article which we propose to the readers of the “National Museum Journal” presents new, now first published letters signed by Princess Ileana of Romania and dated between 1 January 1932 and 13 October 1936. The recipient of these letters of young Princess Ileana and their keeper over time was Alice Grunau (23 February 1903 – 28 July 1972), her best friend and confidant. Alice Grunau preserved with great care the correspondence from Princess Ileana and – thanks to some favourable circumstances – the letters are now found in Germany, in the personal archive of Mr. Vlad Andreas Grunau, diplomat and engineer, the son of Alice Grunau and engineer Caşin Popescu.
Paginaţia 205-264
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Muzeul Naţional; XXX; anul 2018
Loc publicare Bucureşti