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Despre tentativa de sinucidere în Ţara Românească, în prima parte a secolului al XIX-lea, pe baza unor documente din fondul arhivistic „Vornicia temniţelor”

Limba de redactare română (rezumat în engleză)
Excerpt In the first half of the 19th century, people in Wallachia who tried to kill themselves were arrested and tried, as it results from seven judicial files dated between 1834-1838 (the only ones with this subject out of a total of 4,117), preserved at the National Archives of Romania, in the fund “Vornicia Temniţelor” (The Administration of Prisons). However, the legislation in use at the time, adopted in 1818, did not condemn attempted suicide and, by analyzing the documents, it seems that this was the main reason the defendants were eventually declared innocent. One other argument for acquittal which some of the documents mention is the fact that the people in question had only harmed themselves. Taking this into consideration, it may be presumed that trials for attempted suicide were meant to determine whether the act had affected others apart from the author.
Paginaţia 71-79
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Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Muzeul Naţional; XXXI; anul 2019