O şedinţă autocritică la revista "Flacăra" / A self critic meeting at “Flacăra”
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Limba de redactare | română |
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Excerpt | The communist system established a harsh censorship concerning mass-media. There were specialized structures which were supervising the written and spoken press and are taking care not to appear any information unsuitable with the Communist Party wish. Literature, art, theatre was heaving “enjoyed” the same treatment. Each literary work had to pass over the rigors of the feared “Reading Committee” which didn’t hesitate to make recommendation which practically concealed each artistically and creative initiative of the authors. It also existed a “Foreign Press Service” which was examining the books of the foreign authors making recommendation on their content. It must also be mentioned that some newspapers, and here we are talking about “Scânteia” the Communist Party paper, were acting as guarding dogs of press not hesitating to criticize “the mistakes” published in other publications. A situation like this has been created by the publication in “Scînteia” of an article talking about “Flacăra” magazine, fact which determined the immediate organization of a large meeting among the members of the editorial office for materializing the self-critic. At the meeting had been participating the editorial-staff from “Flacăra” and a part of the staff from “Rampa”: N. Mărgeanu, Dan Deşliu, I. Grinevici, Novicov, Nina Cassian, Saşa Pană, Janot Popper, Al. Assan, Bercovici, Victor Tulbure, Corin Grosu, Marian, Păscăluţă, Coliu. From outside the editorial staff participated: Cicerone Teodorescu, Ion Călugăru and Corin Grosu. The agenda order of the day of this meeting was to analyse the mistakes and their causes produced at „Flacăra” and pointed out in the article: “More principled ness in treating arts and literature problems” from “Scînteia”, the 15th of July 1948. The speakers recognized their own personal mistakes but also they tried to find the mistakes of their mates from „Flacăra”. From the identified mistakes we mention: - the wrong way in which they work at Art Committee - most of the mistakes from „Flacăra” are due to the fact that the magayine has proved to be out of line towards the cultural problems wich should have preocupied it, due to the insufficient orientation of the editorial staff, due to the insufficient ideological paper-works - the lock og courage towards the leadership mistake encountered at „Flacăra” - the low ideological training of the editors - the lack of criticism and self criticism in the editorial staff meetings - the inferiority complex which appears to due to the spirit of command which reigned until now - the fear of the Communist Party heads - the inexistence of a sindically committee and the absence of the precise obligations coming from sindically and Communist Party in the editorial office - the absence of the Communist Party from the souls of the editors - “Flacăra” has sinned by the lack of an emotional contact with its readers. |
Paginaţia | 431-438 |
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