Epoca romană târzie şi cronologia atacurilor transdanibiene. Analiza componentelor etnice şi geografice (partea a doua, de 565 la 626) / The timeline of the raids across Middle and Lower Danube
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Limba de redactare | română |
Descriptori |
Excerpt | This paper is a continuation for TEODOR Ε 2002. The whole think is a commented chronology, following the ancient accounts for northern Danube invasions, in the late antiquity. It is to expect as a follow-up a study that concludes the work and answers to the main thematic questions: who are the „Sclaveni" which troubles the Justinian's Empire, when and where did they appear, what was their role for the end of Antic Roman civilisation and, specifically for this essay, what would be the expectations for field archaeology, on the left side of the Danube. Some of the comments already made come to foreword the final conclusions: the strengthening of the Limes finally worked: between 559 and 578 there were no major threats came from the Lower Danube. It follows, promptly, the Avar retortion, not because the Sclaveni had struck the Empire, but because they struck alone (and successful). Conversely of current theses, the punitive action did not submit the Sclaveni from Lower Danube area. Despite episodes that seem to prove an alliance between Avars and Lower Danube Sclaveni (like year 584, when the Qagan was fighting at Anchialos and Adragast at Adrianopole), there are proofs that at the Middle and the Lower Danube are dwelling two (or more) political entities, at least until the middle of '90s. In the last quarter of the sixth century the Sclaveni distribution in the land beyond Danube became clearer that Procopius' mentions, one generation before (they are hanging the banks of the Danube). The Avar hit from 579 was launched far in the land (if description is correct). Between general Priscus' victims we can count one just near the Danube (Adragast), and one in the inland (Musokios). Similar, the Petrus' enemies are, one (Piragast) near the Danube, and another (unnamed) about three days march inside. It is to add here that the „Helibakia" river from Priscus' campaign is not the same with „Helibakia" from Petrus campaign, because the first was developed in Eastern Walahia (Muntenia), and the second in Eastern and central Oltenia, 300 km westward. The monetary treasures berried in the final VI century are important hints about the distribution of the main political bodies of the Lower Danube Sclaveni. They are scattered mostly in the proximity of the Danube banks, eastern from Vedea river, and in south Moldavia. About these last treasures (Movileni-Galaţi, ended in 601 and Horgeşti-Bacău, ended in 602), we should say here that they are too far to be determined by Roman actions; it is more likely that the hiding of those are due to the punishment action of Avars against Antes (Roman allies), in the end of Danubian wars (602). The Avar troops followed, probably, the south Transilvania strategic way, known as „Sarmatian way", connecting the Lower Tisza and Lower Prut rivers through Oituz mountain pass. All these facts determined on the analyses of ancient accounts are important hints for building up an ..archaeological expectation". Unfortunately, that is far to be enough, as we will see in the concluding part of the study. |
Paginaţia | 3-36 |
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