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Impresii din campania 1916-1920, aparţinând sergentului Mihăilescu I. Ştefan din cadrul diviziei a 15-a Constanţa / impressions from the 1916-1920 military campaign of sergeant Mihăilescu I. Ştefan from the 15th division Constanta

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt Sergeant Şerban Mihăilescu’s memoirs, in MNIR’s possession since 2014,
represent an important document that presents in detail the Romanian front from 1916 -1920. It can thus be possible to document the operating conditions of the Romanian Army, the movements of troops and the manner in which the troops were conducting their activities. Also, the shortcoming in term of equipment are reported and the troops moral during key moments of the war. Adding these elements to the political, economic and social elements we can paint a more accurate picture about life during the war, in Romania, between 1916-1920.
Paginaţia 223-228
Descarcă fişierul
Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Muzeul Naţional; XXVI; anul 2014