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Aviatorul Mihail Pavlovschi, participant la luptele aeriene din cel de-al II-lea război mondial / Pilot Mihail Pavlovschi, a participant to the air fights during the Second World War

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt Michael Pavlovschi was a skillful pilot who graduated from several Aviation Schools. In 1936 he began flying modern civil airplane for the LARES society (Romanian State Airlanes).
In the years of the World War II he was appointed commander of the military Aerotransport Group. Michael Pavlovschi was a flying instructor and one of the famous pilots of the "Ju-52" tre-engine plane. He carried out very difficult missions among which the one from Stalingrad in Decembre 1942 should be mentioned.
Paginaţia 305-308
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  • Muzeul Naţional; IX; anul 1997